Your Personal Trainer in Basingstoke,Hampshire Results
The personal trainers in Basingstoke,Hampshire you see below are NRPT members and are qualified and insured to practice as personal trainers. The NRPT is the ONLY online directory of personal trainers that check qualifications and insurance every year. We have over 800 members nationwide that are here to help you get fit and stay fit whether in the gym, the park or in your home.
Karen O'Donoghue
Price: £40.00 per session
Location: RG27
Martin Salt
Price: £50.00 per session
Location: RG27
Caroline Hinke
Price: £40.00 per session
Location: RG7
Steven Haywood
Price: £45.00 per session
Location: RG19
Arland Craik
Price: £45.00 per session
Location: RG7
David Osborne
Price: £50.00 per session
Location: RG2
Tasha Vernon
Price: £47.50 per session
Location: RG40
Em Tweedie
Price: £57.50 per session
Location: RG40
Rob Ede
Price: £55.00 per session
Location: Blac
Ben Carter
Price: £35.00 per session
Location: SO21