Full Time Personal Training Courses
Often the best way for ensuring you become a personal trainer in the least amount of time, finding full time personal training courses is easy if you know what you're looking for. Read our guides to discover more on which courses to choose.
Taking a full time personal trainer course is the fastest way to gain certification as a personal fitness trainer. Most courses will allow a student that has no prior courses to start with the program and complete the full portion of it with a level three certificate .
Some educational institutions have the course separated into purchasable levels that one can first receive a gym instructor certification in, next a level two certificate and finally the level three certificate.
How Can I be a Personal Trainer?
A level three certificate is required for a personal trainer to practice professionally in the UK. The purpose of this course is to educate the student so that they are ready to enter the personal training industry and find employment as soon as possible.
The full time personal trainer course will allow the graduate to earn a decent salary in the profession and will also equip them to have their own personal training business. After completion of this course, some individuals also go on to complete advanced courses that build upon the level three certificate, these courses further increase the skill base of the student and increase their expected salary.
A full time personal trainer course will likely be split into more than one section in order to facilitate the learning process. The full course will take approximately six weeks to complete and cost between £2,500 and £3,000.
What Type of Content Do I Learn?
The course will educate students on anatomy and physiology, warm-up exercises, stretching exercises, cool down routines, and developmental stretching.
Students will gain an understanding of how to create a personal fitness program, how to use gym equipment including cardiovascular machines and weight machines. The course will introduce body weight training as well as how to offer effective care to their clients and promote the benefits of physical fitness.
In the more advanced parts of the courses students will learn about weight management and nutrition, how to deliver sessions of personal training to their clients using both portable and functional equipment, analysis of movement, core stability and flexibility, how to motivate their clients and change behaviours that are not conducive to physical fitness improvement as well as how to deal with persons that have specific health conditions.
Students may also have the option to take courses that are in line with their own interests. Some of these courses include: how to teach indoor cycling classes, circuit training, suspension training, sports nutrition, prevention of obesity in children, how to market their personal training services and advanced first aid training.
Are There Any Pre-Requisites?
The prerequisites to enter most full time personal trainer programs are that the student is at least 16 years of age and has at least a minimum level of personal fitness; they must also be able to read, write and work with numbers.
The full time personal trainer program will involve in class study as well as homework sessions. Instruction will take place in both a classroom and a gym environment, some institutions offer options as to how the classes are taught. Hands-on experience is the preferred way to learn.
Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity – CIMSPA
It is necessary that a prospective student check to see that the full time personal training course that they desire to take is accredited by CIMSPA. This registry ensures that the highest standards in education are offered by institutions and also allow graduates of accredited programs to become members of CIMSPA.
By being a member of CIMSPA, a graduate will have a more successful chance of obtaining employment and a higher salary expectation. Students can find out which institutions are recognised by CIMSPA by looking on their website.
You do not have to become a member of CIMSPA to post your course, but many choose to in order to prove you have completed a bone fide course.