Margaria Kalamen Power Test

Coaches use the Margaria Kalamen power test as an assessment tool for their athletes who need to develop leg power. Can be used in conjunction with other fitness and power tests to get a more rounded set of results.

What's the Point?

Quick and easy to perform, the Margaria Kalamen power test uses a stopwatch and a flight of stairs to measure an athletes leg power.

A combination of strength and speed, power is an essential ingredient for almost all athletes, so being able to measure it is vital for coaches monitoring the effectiveness of their training programs.

What Do You Need?

  • A stopwatch
  • An assistant
  • A flight of at least 12 steps, each about 17.5 cm (7 inches) high

How Do you do the Test?

First, you need to mark the course as follows: A starting line 6 metres in front of the first step; the 3rd, 6th and 9th step clearly marked with tape or chalk.

Prepare as follows:

  • Measure and record the athletes weight
  • Measure and record the vertical distance between the 3rd and 9th steps
  • The athlete takes 2 or 3 practice runs up the steps to warm up

The test is performed as follows:

  • On the command "Go", sprint from the start line to the stairs, then spring up three steps at a time (i.e. landing on the 3rd, 6th and 9th stairs)
  • The assistant records the time from the 3rd step to the 9th step
  • Repeat twice more, with a 2-3 minute recovery between each test

What Results You'll See

By comparing your results over time you will be able to assess the effectiveness of your training program. You can also calculate Power (Watts) as follows:

P=(M x D) x 9.8/t where:

P = Power (Watts)
M = Body mass (kg)
D = Vertical distance (m)
t = Time (s)

The vertical distance (D) between the 3rd and 9th step must be accurately measured and used when calculating the power.

What's Being Measured Again?

This is an excellent way to measure the development of an athlete's leg power.

PT Courses