
Its vital after injury to work on rebuilding the functionality of the injured area, to allow the ease back into your sport or even just day to day movements again.
Why should I rehabilitate?
The goal of rehabilitation is to maximise your recovery if this is successful, you will be able to return to a full range of activities with no loss of function.
Whether you are recovering from an injury, an accident, surgery, or the after-effects of an illness, rehabilitation will dramatically improve your chances of a full and complete.
Rehabilitation focuses on a variety of areas:-
Activities to avoid:
There are certain movements and activities that can worsen your condition. Being aware of, and avoiding these, will help you to recover better.
Exercises to do:
For many conditions (e.g. hip replacement) getting active is crucial to recovery. This means in addition to your scheduled appointments, you will have to perform exercises at home to supplement what you do with the physiotherapist.
Keeping your weight down and eating properly can also help speed up your recovery. Thus in many cases, it is important to look at your diet as a way of supplementing the physical work and improving your chances of a full recovery.
The primary goal is to get you back to 100% as quickly as possible. This means restoring full strength and range of motion to the injured area. With the help of a skilled physiotherapist, and dedication, this can often be achieved.