Rockport Fitness Walking Test
You can use the Rockport fitness walking test to measure changes to your fitness. This is more of an endurance test and can convert into a VO2 max for ease of measuring.
What's The Point?
VO2 max is considered the best measure of general endurance fitness. The Rockport fitness walking test is a simple, easy way to measure general fitness for almost anyone, and convert their score into a VO2 max.
What You Need
A 400 metre track
A stopwatch
- An assistant
How Do You Perform The Test?
Record your weight prior to the test
Warm up
Walk one mile (1609 metres) as quickly as possible
Record your time to complete the walk
Immediately on finishing the walk, measure your heart rate (beats per minute) a heart rate monitor is best for this. If not, take your pulse for 20 seconds and multiply it by three
- Calculate your VO2 max as explained below
What Results You'll See
Try to conduct the test on a windless day for consistency.
You can calculate your VO2 max as follows:
132.853 - (0.0769 Weight) - (0.3877 Age) + (6.315 Gender) - (3.2649 Time) - (0.1565 Heart rate)
- Weight is in pounds (lbs)
- Gender Male = 1 and Female = 0
- Time is expressed in minutes and 100ths of minutes
- Heart rate is in beats/minute
- Age is in years
What's Being Measured Again?
This is an effective way for almost anyone to measure their overall fitness.