Vertical Jump Test

Coaches and athletes use the Vertical Jump Test (sergeant jump) to measure their standing jump abilities. Benchmark and then take the test weekly or monthly to chart improvement.

What's The Point?

Athletes in sports such as basketball, volleyball, or even football, need a great vertical jump in order to compete effectively. They thus turn to the Vertical jump test (sergeant jump) to assess this key skill. Used regularly, this test will allow you to monitor the effectiveness of your training program.

What Do You Need?

  • A wall
  • A tape measure
  • Chalk

How Do You Do The Test?

  • Chalk the end of your fingertips
  • Stand side on to the wall, and with both feet flat on the ground, reach up as high as possible with one hand and mark the wall with the tips of the fingers (M1)
  • Then, from a static position, jump as high as possible and touch the wall with your fingertips (M2)
  • Measure the distance from M1 to M2.
  • Repeat several times, and record the best result

What Results You'll See

Repeating the test several times over the course of several months will allow you to compare your results and see how effective your training has been.

If you wish to compare yourself against the best, the following chart has been obtained from the results of tests conducted with world-class athletes:

% Rank Females Males
91-100 76.20 - 81.30 cm 86.35 - 91.45 cm
81 - 90 71.11 - 76.19 cm 81.30 - 86.34 cm
71 - 80 66.05 - 71.10 cm 76.20 - 81.29 cm
61 - 70 60.95 - 66.04 cm 71.10 - 76.19 cm
51 - 60 55.90 - 60.94 cm 66.05 - 71.09 cm
41 - 50 50.80 - 55.89 cm 60.95 - 66.04 cm
31 - 40 45.71 - 50.79 cm 55.90 - 60.94 cm
21 - 30 40.65 - 45.70 cm 50.80 - 55.89 cm
11 - 20 35.55 - 40.64 cm 45.70 - 50.79 cm
1 - 10 30.50 - 35.54 cm 40.65 - 45.69 cm


Alternatively, you can compare your results against the normative data of the general population:

Gender Excellent Above average Average Below average Poor
Male >65cm 50 - 65cm 40 - 49cm 30 - 39cm <30cm
Female >58cm 47 - 58cm 36 - 46cm 26 - 35cm <26cm


These results are for adults:

Gender Excellent Above average Average Below average Poor
Male >65cm 60cm 55cm 50cm <46cm
Female >55cm 50cm 45cm 40cm <36cm


What's Being Measured Again?

This test is an excellent way to measure your static vertical jump.

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