Effects of Cardiac transplant training

Post cardiac arrest, it is easy to become further deconditioned, low to medium intensity training will help as part of that recovery.

Useful to improve recovery.

If you want to recover quickly from a heart attack, cardiac exercise training is a vital part of the process. In the weeks following a heart attack (also known as a Myocardial Infarction, or MI), physical deconditioning occurs. Cardiac exercise training is designed to reverse this process and help the patient recover.

Benefits to help reverese MI.

Indeed, it can often reverse the process which lead to the MI in the first place. Physical inactivity has been shown to increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease two fold, while cardiac rehabilitation in patients with a previous MI has been shown to reduce all cause mortality by 27%, and cardiac death by 31%.

Concerns about the possibility of exercise induced MI in patients have also proven unfounded, with one cardiac rehab centre reporting a frequency of one major complication per 67,126 patient hours of exercise.

Intensity is the key.

Thus the vast majority of cardiac rehab patients are now encouraged to undertake low to moderate intensity exercise. The only exceptions are those with clinically unstable cardiac disease or limiting co-morbid illness.

In summary.

A typical program will recommend two to three supervised training sessions per week for a minimum of eight weeks.

PT Courses