Moveable synovial joint

A popular joint used all over the body, such as ball and socket joints in your hips, they all have a liquid called synovial fluid which facilitates the movement.
Are they common?.
There are various type of moveable synovial joints, found throughout the human body.
What are they?.
Moveable synovial joint are those in which the movement is facilitated by a lubricating liquid called synovial fluid.
Where do you find them.
They are found in areas where a good range of motion (ROM) is required. The structure of these areas is such that ligaments help to provide stability, while muscles contract to provide movement.
The most common types of moveable synovial joints are:
- Ball and socket: Providing the greatest ROM in the human body, these can be found in areas such as the hip and shoulder joints. They permit you to freely swing your limbs in many different directions.
- Ellipsoidal: Found in areas such as the base of your index finger. Bending and extending is permitted, as is some degree of rocking from side to side, but rotation is limited.
- Gliding: Some of the bones in your wrists and ankles operate by gliding against each other. Ligaments control excess movement.
- Hinge: Found in the knee and elbow. ROM primarily through one plane, like a door opening and closing.
- Pivot: Found in the neck, permits you to turn your head from side to side.
- Saddle: Found only in your thumbs, they can rock back and forth and from side to side, but they have limited rotation.