Core Muscle Strength & Stability Test
Athletes can use the Core Muscle Strength and Stability Test to measure the effectiveness of their core workouts. Great for improving your power and agility over time.
What's The Point?
The Core Muscle Strength and Stability Test can be used by all athletes to measure the effectiveness of their core strengthening program.
The core is the link between the limbs, and strength here is essential for power, agility and balance. Weak core muscles will mean unnecessary movement and wasted energy, whereas good core strength allows controlled, efficient movements.
What Do You Need?
A flat surface
A mat
- A watch
How Do You Perform The Test?
Place the watch on the ground where you can see it
Start in the modified press up position elbows and feet on the ground
Hold this position for 60 seconds
Lift your right arm off the ground
Hold this position for 15 seconds
Return your right arm to the ground and lift the left arm off the ground
Hold this position for 15 seconds
Return your left arm to the ground and lift the right leg off the ground
Hold this position for 15 seconds
Return your right leg to the ground and lift the left leg off the ground
Hold this position for 15 seconds
Lift your left leg and right arm off the ground
Hold this position for 15 seconds
Return your left leg and right arm to the ground
Lift your right leg and left arm off the ground
Hold this position for 15 seconds
- Return to the starting position and hold for a final 30 seconds
What Results You'll See
If you were able to complete this first time, then you have excellent core strength. If you are unable to complete the assessment, then repeat the routine 3 or 4 times a week until you can.
What's Being Measured Again?
This is a good way to measure your static core strength and stability.