Static Flexibility Test - Trunk and neck

Regularly performing the static flexibility test for the trunk and neck will allow you to assess the flexibility in this area. Keeping this area flexible will reap benefits for athletes.

This is an important area to measure many flexibility programs focus attention on the lower back and hamstrings, but ignore the upper torso.

What's The Point?

The objective of the static flexibility test for the trunk and neck is to monitor the development of an athlete's trunk and neck flexibility

What Do You Need?

  • Yard stick
  • Partner

How Do You Do The Test?

  • Lie prone (face down) on the floor with hands clasped at the back of your head
  • Lift your upper body and head as high as possible whilst keeping your hips in contact with the ground
  • Your partner records the vertical distance from the tip of the nose to the ground, to the nearest 1/4inch.
  • Repeat three times and record the best distance

What Results You'll See

Comparing your results to the following chart will allow you to assess your flexibility in this area.

Normative data for the Trunk and Neck flexibility test:

Rating Men Women
Excellent >10.00 >9.75
Good 10.00 - 8.00 9.75 - 7.75
Average 7.99 - 6.00 7.74 - 5.75
Fair 5.99 - 3.00 5.74 - 2.00
Poor <3.00 <2.00


What's Being Measured Again?

The static flexibility test for the trunk and neck can measure an athletes range of motion in the upper torso.

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