Active Knee Extension Hamstring Flexibility test

The Active Knee Extension Hamstring Flexibility test is used to assess the range of active knee extension in a position of hip flexion. Useful for athletes more than casual gym users, this can help to prevent injury.

This is a crucial area for athletes, as this motion is required in activities such as running and kicking. Reduced flexibility here can therefore impair performance and lead to injury.

What's The Point?

To assess the range of active knee extension in a position of hip flexion

What Do You Need?

  • Goniometer with extended arms
  • Spirit level
  • Firm table

How Do You Do The Test?

  • The subject lies supine on a firm table with their head back and arms folded across the chest.
  • The hip is passively flexed until the thigh is vertical - use the spirit level to measure the position of the thigh.
  • The opposite leg is placed in a fully extended position on the table.
  • The foot of the leg being tested is kept relaxed, and the thigh kept in the vertical position throughout the test.
  • The leg being tested is actively straightened until the point when the thigh begins to move from the vertical position.
  • The thigh angle is recorded at this point.

What Results You'll See

The measurement unit is degrees on the goniometer.

Measure the minimum angle of knee flexion with the thigh in the vertical position. If the leg can be fully straightened, the angle is recorded as 0.

Any flexion is recorded as a positive number, e.g. 10, 20 degrees etc.

Results are comparative over time - thus by comparing the results with previous tests you will be able to assess the effectiveness of flexibility training.

What's Being Measured Again?

This is a good way to assess hamstring flexibility.


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