Effects of training on Asthma
There is research to show that training will benefit your asthma condition. Let us explain..
Should i train?
Is asthma exercise training safe? Its a question that is often asked, particularly for young people.
Recent research is starting to produce some interesting answers.
In one experiment, forty-six young asthmatics with a history of childhood asthma began an asthma exercise training program that involved practicing yoga. The training not only resulted in improved fitness, it also found that the young people reported reduced symptoms and lower drug use to treat their condition.
In another experiment that involved aerobic workouts, the results showed that the training produced improved cardiopulmonary fitness and maximum expiratory ventilation, which was to be expected, but also no negative effects on resting lung function or the number of days of wheeze.
Based on these experiments, one can conclude that yoga training is beneficial for young asthmatics, and that lung function and wheeze are not worsened by physical training in patients with asthma.
In summary.
This is good news for asthmatics, as it means that they can participate in a range of physical activities not only will they be able to reap the benefits of this exercise, but the evidence suggests that it will not worsen their condition.