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Henrietta Hay
Telephone: 07815 582432 / 01434 689384

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Henrietta Hay

About Me

Experienced, knowledgeable and independent personal trainer based in the beautiful Northumbrian countryside with my own studio gym.

What Can I Do For You?

I am a fully qualified personal trainer and fully insured, Certificate 4 in Fitness (REPS Level 3) MASTER TRAINER with European Institute of Fitness.

I am also a member of the NRPT (National Register of Personal Trainers), CIMPSA (The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity) and EuropeActive (European Association for fitness and physical activity).

I hold further Certificates in :

I am also a:

Whatever your lifestyle I can provide for you the perfect bespoke programme of personal training developed to suit your needs and goals.

I am in the perfect location to be able to offer training otdoors in the gorgeous Northumberland countryside, as well as in my well equipped studio.

What Are My Charges?

Prices start from £35.00 per session

What Are My Qualifications?

  • Australian Institute of Fitness Master Trainer Award including Certificate 4 in Fitness
  • Boxercise Instructor
  • Kickboxercise Instructor

What Training Do I Specialise In?

  • Circuit Training
  • Posture / Back Care
  • Core Conditioning
  • Group Fitness
  • Under 16 Fitness
  • Fitness 50+ / Seniors
  • Fitness Testing
  • Flexibility & Mobility
  • Rehabilitation & GP Referral
  • Strength Training / Conditioning

Other Professional Bodies & Affiliations

  • Register of Exercise ProfessionalsLevel 3 - R0052371
  • NRPT
  • REPs


"Working with Henrietta was the fastest route I've ever taken to achieving my fitness goals. I needed professional, expert advice on preparing myself like an athlete for competing in amatuer boxing. Henrietta changed a lot of my training and eating habits dramatically, but with the added bonus that my fitness levels increased dramatically also. I don't know anyone in years of involvement in sport who has as much knowledge and enthusiasm as Henrietta. Some people may think that working with a personal trainer is expensive, but it's my belief that it's worth every penny, the work and research that Henrietta put into my training and preperation for competition was well beyond what I expected. Don't waste your hard earned cash on a years gym membership you'll only use a few times, phone Henrietta and see massive results in your fitness, motivation, diet and happiness. I can't recomend Henrietta highly enough, whether it be weight loss, goals you're having trouble getting too, or maybe you would just like to be a little bit fitter. You are reading my testimony, which means you are already on your way to a happier state of body and mind."   Mike Holm Amatuer boxer Former Northern District Light Heavyweight Champion'

Where I Train

1 to 1 Studio :Park/Outdoor :


  • Free weights
  • Trampoline
  • Bosu ball
  • Gymstick
  • Stability discs
  • Boxing gloves
  • Swiss ball
  • Step
  • Therabands
  • Waterrower
  • NordicTrak Bike Machine
  • Elliptical Trainer
  • Versaclimber
  • NHORD Springbok running machine by Waterrower
  • JTX Fitness Power Plate

Geographical Areas Covered

  • Thockrington, Hexham

Get in Touch


07... Reveal07815 582432 / 01434 689384


Useful Information

Member Since: Apr 2008

  • Insurance: NRPT (027058)
  • First Aid: British Red Cross

Gender: Female
Age: 58