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Emma-Jane Taylor
Telephone: 01491 877205 / 07956 176166

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Emma Jane Taylor

About Me

I focus on ‘optimum health’ being about 'sanity' - in every sense.

What Can I Do For You?

I've been in the well-being industry for over 25 years, and am fairly addicted to feeling good, strong and healthy. As an (ex-) professional dancer, I understood quickly the importance of balancing foods/energy balance and the importance of hydration, rest, stretching, strength training, cardio and of being in optimum health and condition. I have many qualifications that enhance my role and knowledge in the fitness industry as a personal trainer, nutrition/weight management consultant, and also as a mentor.

Our bodies are incredible pieces of equipment, they work efficiently. But, when we fuel them with the finest fuels, and I mean that in every sense, then we will gain benefits we didn't know we had; physically, mentally and emotionally.

I offer a bespoke training plan for my clients, and continue to grow in the well-being field from listening and learning to other experts; I appreciate that having knowledge is key to all of our successes in life, regardless of where we are at and we should never stop learning or get complacent.

I created a formula; Living Your Best Life TM to bring strength; mentally, emotionally and physically. My work in this area regularly incorporates my own passions; exercise, wellbeing, nature, the ocean/ river, the world and health. 

I gained many years of experience in the well-being arena, and because of working with Linda Moseley (my first boss/mentor), leading me to work with many high-profile clients. My background as a professional dancer has meant I have literally lived & breathed fitness/well-being since I could walk.

I discovered my passion for well-being through many years of soul searching, I speak regularly about my personal journey through childhood trauma/adversity to success; how I recovered from the difficulties I faced from addictions to eating disorders and how therapy supported my growth.

Did you know....

- I support trainee fitness trainers through their qualifications as well as training them on ‘how to motivate their clients and how to set up their business’, once qualified.

- I work with clients all over the world.

Happy to chat with anyone keen to find out more about my work, to see whether I am a good fit for what you are looking for!

References/Insurance/ Verification
Reviews available;
Represented by Champion Speakers

What Are My Charges?

Prices start from £75.00 per session


My Latest Promotions

  • To discuss financial options, please connect via my contacts page on my website.
  • I also hold qualifications in CBT (L3) and as a NLP Masters & Masters Practitioner
  • NOTE: My rates do not include any travel.

What Are My Qualifications?

  • Future Fit - Personal Trainer Diploma
  • Beachbody - Insanity Instructor Training Workshop
  • Certificate in sports nutrition
  • Future Fit - Certificate in Childhood Nutrition & Obesity Prevention
  • Future Fit - Functional Equipment Training

What Training Do I Specialise In?

  • Nutrition & Weight Management
  • Core Conditioning
  • Circuit Training
  • Functional Training
  • Fitness 50+ / Seniors
  • Weight Loss
  • Flexibility & Mobility
  • Group Fitness
  • Body Sculpting
  • Boot Camps

Other Professional Bodies & Affiliations

  • Register of Exercise ProfessionalsLevel 3 - R0098602



  • I joined EJs 12 week programme, to focus on weight loss. Not only did I lose weight, but I found new ways to cope with my anxiety. Her programme is amazing, you don't realise you are working hard because she makes it so enjoyable, fun and accessible. My body changed shape, my mind is sharper and I feel clearer in my clothes and thoughts. Win-win. I have now moved on to her menotorship plan and check in monthly, it works - 6 months in I feel great! Mrs P, London
  • I worked with EJ during my mentoring sessions. Our sessions have left me feeling that some of the strategies I already use are as good as I can get them, so thank you for acknowleding that. It  has also stopped me asking myself if there is a better way to manage some of the obstacles I have with my family. I got quite emotional whilst working with you and haven't done that with anyone for quite a while. I feel it has really helped me with my healing. I can see how I can manage some of the things I was holding onto, which will serve me better if I let go and concentrate on myself - which I am going to practice from now on as I have you on my shoulder. When we finished our sessions I felt calmer in my body and that did result in better nights sleep. I found going through questions and getting answers helped me see another way. Jean R
  • Alot clicked after I worked with EJ! Zoe Johnston
  • Those mentored by EJ should wear a badge to encourage others to do the same. She is such an easy mentor to work with, gently encouraging with the right words, advice and thought provoking questions. She never told me what to do, but she helped me find answers on how to do things I was scared to do beforehand. So thank you EJ, it was probably the best 12 weeks I have ever spent, and the most worthwhile. Paula, Oxford
  • I had an eye opening journey with life changing results that have given me confidence, balance and determination. Emma-Jane has a secret formula to share with anyone willing to listen, learn and align with. I am so happy with my results, which have given me a happier life. I have been able to understand that I need to fit into my body the right way; physically, mentally and emotionally. I have tools to cope, thoughts to challenge and take her right arm / left arm analogy with me wherever I go. Thanks EJ! Marina, London
  • Emma-Jane is extremely passionate about her clients receiving bespoke plans, the correct focus and have an understanding of the phenomenal benefits of the mind and body. She is exceedingly inspiring and motivating to all who work with her. Using her own powerful journey, she brings positivity to her work and allows her clients the much needed physical, mental and emotional freedom to live life the way they need, and deserve. Emma-Jane helps you reach your full potential whilst keeping you grounded with valued beliefs. “Emma-Jane gets results”, Georgia, Bucks
  • I feel like I am flying after spending time with Emma-Jane. My career has changed direction and my relationship is more sparkly. I feel alive; bright eyed and bushy tailed, and have such good tools to help me continue in my life. Amanda, Oxfordshire, UK
  • I feel so much better since spending time with E-J. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening to me and helping me so much during our 1 to 1’s. To have such positive help from an objective person has been invaluable. Belinda, Spain
  • After just one session with Emma-Jane I felt energised. She has this amazing ability to make you think differently yet positively and without guilt. She took away the heavy feeling I had been desperately holding on to and guided me through the woods to a clearing which was completely different to what I had ever expected in my life. I now feel like I can cope, my tools are powerful and my life is enjoyable once again. I feel child-like yet emotionally strong enough to cope with anything. Joanna, Oxfordshire, UK
  • I could not recommend more the ‘journey’ I undertook with Emma Jane. I truly believe that all of us should do the same. She is professional, caring, friendly and focused. It looks like she knew exactly what the problem was (and I am talking about the real one!). She helped me in discovering parts of myself I did not even know existed or did not pay attention to. Her approach is simple, respectful and effective. Every session was a step towards the light at the end of tunnel and I actually felt the improvement when it was happening. The best part happened at the end of the ‘journey’ when a new ‘I’ started waking up every morning, much more focused and lighthearted. Now, It feels like every breath takes more oxygen than when I started the ‘journey’ and it is simply amazing. I did not know at all what to expect and it was simply…brilliant! Sergio, France
  • I just wanted to email to say thank you so much for the past couple of months. I have found it really hard for a few years now to find any form of exercise that I found both fun and challenging but I have found your classes brilliant. I am hoping to return to Henley in the summer & when I do the first thing I will be doing is signing up to a full membership at NutritiousWorks. Thank you, Freya, Oxfordshire
  • Two years ago I was diagnosed with not only an under active thyroid but also Hashimoto Thyroiditis, this is when your immune system attacks your thyroid. The last two years I have felt pretty damn awful! Then life changed 12 weeks ago when I discovered Emma-Jane at NutritiousWorks. She has taught me that a combination of sensible eating and exercise sprinkled with a bit of love and a positive approach has given me a new lease of life. I am new, life is fun, I'm energised, feel fantastic and I am now virtually symptom free...yay! At the beginning I could barely run 100 metres, I just about managed a few squats and lunges!! Well, let me tell you that today I ran 5 miles, yes 5 miles! My homework is 3 times what it was 12 weeks ago and I am LOVING it all!! I'm a completely different person, I refuse to eat the rubbish that was making me so ill and I've become addicted to running, I can't thank you enough Emma-Jane & Rebecca Hill for your help and support during my journey #cantstopwontstop! Tina, Oxfordshire
  • I love your approach to wellbeing and am so glad I didn't sign up to another regular gym membership.  Thanks for getting me back into fitness, I can't tell you how much I feel like me again. Sarah, Oxfordshire
  • I decided to participate in EJ’s 28 Ab Challenge because I needed an kick start for my daughter's wedding in October.  I really enjoyed the challenge and the companionship and support of Emma Jane and the other girls taking part.  I discovered I can live without sugar, alcohol and caffeine and do have the willpower to say no thank you.  The daily exercises were at time a challenge but an excellent focus and felt good once they were completed.  I definitely have core muscles now!! I also didn't shut myself away during this challenge I celebrated my 35th wedding anniversary away in a hotel but still exercised and eat sensibly and also had several invitations out but resisted the puddings and wine!!  I was thrilled with my results I lost 5 lbs in weight 16 cms from my waist and 10 cms from my hips.  (Not bad for an old girl!!) My clothes feel so much better and I feel really fit and healthy.  I did have a tenacity to suffer with bloating and since I embarked on my new regime this has not been a problem.   Because it has been so beneficial I intend to continue with the healthy eating regime and will also endeavour to do the ab exercises a few times a week just to keep focussed.  Emma-Jane's support, positivity and enthusiasm keeps you going when you might feel like giving up and is a true inspiration. Thank you Emma, Mads, Berkshire
  • Would like to say a very big THANK YOU to Emma-Jane for helping me over the last 12 weeks achieve my goals of losing weight and becoming fitter. I have lost nearly 2 stone in weight and inches from my hips and waist. Your training and guidance over the weeks has been truly AMAZING!! Training has been challenging at times, fun and most importantly varied. I really can't believe how I have improved. Never ran before and today did 5 Miles!! I feel great and will carry on in the New Year to reach another goal. As for the support with my eating plan it was: 1.Easy to follow 2.Never felt hungry 3.Learnt so much about portion sizes 4.Kept to plan and feel fantastic. So for anyone who feels like they need a helping hand I would highly recommend Emma-Jane. She will work with you , inspire you and always be at the end of a phone if you need help. Thanks so much Emma and hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas. Love Kathryn Invest in yourself. It will be well worth it. Kathryn, Oxfordshire
  • Could I do a 28 day AB challenge? I normally give up after 14 days but with EJ giving you exercises each week rather than a daunting 4 week plan, it didn't seem impossible. It's not easy by any means and I could certainly feel my abs during & after each session. But at the end of 4 weeks I have lost 4cms off my waist so the pain was worth it! EJ was available for guidance throughout the challenge and her encouragement certainly helped me get through all the exercises! Emma, Oxfordshire
  • Emma Jane is a force to be reckoned with! Her exercise classes are carefully constructed to get the maximum benefit, with encouragement from Emma Jane all the way. Her knowledge of food plans and nutrition is extensive and I'd definitely recommend her to anyone who is looking for an improvement in their diet or fitness regime. Kathy Murray, Buckinghamshire
  • I have been training for many years and started Insanity about 6 months ago with Emma-Jane and I love it. The classes are hard work but she always encourages people to work at their own pace and not to worry about what the person next door is doing, which I think is important. When you are doing high intensity exercises, you can get caught up thinking you need to do it as quickly as you can, but then you risk your technique going out of the window. She tells us all to focus on our workout and she is good at keeping up the momentum in a nice way and trying to get us all to challenge ourselves. You will never meet anyone who is so into exercise and fitness as she is. She lives and breathes it and her weekly emails are inspiring, motivating and full of positivity. She is great to train with and she stands out from the rest. Claire Price, Oxfordshire
  • I would not hesitate in recommending Emma-Jane to help guide, inspire and support you through any of your fitness or weight-loss goals. By signing up to her programs you are not just getting amazing workouts, but you receive a huge amount of nutritional and fitness advice to carry you through the days in between. Emma-Jane's enthusiasm is infectious and her knowledge inspiring. She will work you hard, but support you throughout with encouragement that instills the belief that you CAN do it! With Emma-Jane's help I have lost over a stone in just over four weeks and we are still going strong, I simply couldn't have achieved such results without her help. She has been sensitive in dealing with my weight loss struggles and provided a nutrition and fitness plan that really does work, with no faddiness whatsoever. I couldn't recommend her more highly - if you are on the fence about it, just sign up and do it, you wont regret it! Working with her is the best thing I have done for myself since well before my children were born and I couldn't recommend her more highly.  Holly, Oxfordshire
  • I have been doing a private fitness training for 12 years plus twice a week. When I started I was very overweight and totally unfit.  Over the years through a bespoke program that is never boring in that I never know what to expect, in that the session could be cardio/weights/stretching/boxing I have controlled my weight and have a fitness level that probably people half my age would envy. I would totally recommend Emma for a dependable careful program that is guaranteed to get results. Thanks Mrs Motivator! John, Oxfordshire
  • I love E-J's workouts.  They are varied, fun and imaginative.  I actually look forward to them each week and feel SO much better afterwards ... even if I do ache lots the next day!!! Fiona, Shiplake

Where I Train

In a Gym :1 to 1 Studio :Your Home :Park/Outdoor :


Training and equipment is kept up to date.

Equipment used outside or indoors.



Geographical Areas Covered

  • London
  • Oxford
  • Rotherfield Greys, Henley-On-Thames
  • United Kingdom

Get in Touch


01... Reveal01491 877205 / 07956 176166


Useful Information

Member Since: Mar 2015

  • Insurance: NRPT (029494)
  • First Aid: Wallace Cameron

Gender: Female