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Jon Holmans
Telephone: 07814011790

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Jon Holmans

About Me

Highly experienced Personal Trainer providing bespoke training sessions. 

What Can I Do For You?

I have over 23 years of experience in the fitness industry, I have learnt that training is HARD and that’s why I have a job!

People come to me for 2 main reasons, in need of motivation and in need of knowledge. I have spent years honing my skills to create fun and stimulating sessions that you actually look forward to rather than dread. Sessions are designed with you at the forefront, what do YOU need and what do YOU want to achieve being the main thought process. Having spent so long in the industry, I have given over 10,000 personal training sessions and seen fitness trends come and go.

I have worked in the busy commercial fitness industry, medical and Injury rehabilitation plus ran my own fitness company. If you are looking to get fit after a break, have injury problems or have an event to train for then I can help. I have worked with Orthopeadic surgeons, physios and podiatrists to provide rehabilitation programs to clients working their way back to fitness. Having competed at the sharp end of competitive sport, I understand what it takes to train for a sport or specific event. Now in my 40’s myself, I have quickly learnt that maintaining a routine has never been harder with life becoming so hectic. With that said I feel I have an even better understating of how to navigate this with you.

As I stated in my opening sentence, getting fit and staying fit can be hard and that’s why you might need my help. I am 100% authentic, I have zero social media presence and choose to put all my energy into my clients. Sessions can be at your home, local park or virtual. I provide constant support even when we are not training, videos and equipment advise is also given.

If you have liked what you have read so far then please do contact me to discuss training options.


What Are My Charges?

Prices start from £80.00 per session

What Are My Qualifications?

  • Premier - Diploma in Fitness Training & Sports Therapy (Level 3)

What Training Do I Specialise In?

  • Strength Training / Conditioning
  • Sports Injury
  • Sports Coaching
  • Kettlebell Training
  • Flexibility & Mobility
  • Pre & Post-Natal
  • Suspension Training
  • Spinning
  • Exercise Referral
  • Run / Walk / Cycle




"I’ve known Jon now for over 10 years. Jon is not an average PT, he is far more than that. As well as being a superb personal trainer, Jon also helps rehabilitate, pre and post operative, many of my patients on a regular basis. Jon is a world class personal trainer and the best I have ever met. As a foot and ankle surgeon (The London Foot & Ankle Clinic) I see many patients with foot and ankle problems. Jon helps me manage not only those that I operate on but also those I manage non operatively.

Jon’s expertise allows him to advise patients on a number of issues whether it be exercise technique, training programs, diet advice, strength and conditioning work or creating a tailored rehab program post surgery. Many of my patients would not be able to get to their high level of function and performance without his guidance and supervision. I could not recommend him highly enough."



"Having an end in mind is often one of the most important parts of committing to a fitness programme. In my case, I had many years of thinking that historic injuries would prevent me from doing any serious running again. However, in what can only be described as a serious case of a mid life crisis, I decided to give it a go!

My campaign was to run a half marathon in the autumn as a prelude to running the London Marathon the following April. So far so good, but it rapidly became clear that whilst I had retained my long distance stamina, my core fitness was letting me down.  Enter Jon!

Jon is a serious runner with a real track record (!!) himself. He gets what it takes to prepare for major races. As a result, his constructive encouragement to build the miles in practice runs was invaluable. More to the point the twice weekly gym sessions were a crucial part of the campaign as simple leg muscles are not enough - core strength is key too.

Jon's style is particularly attractive - I doubt if there are many PT's who are as polite as Jon - but you are never left in any doubt as to what is expected of you!

So, I would heartily recommend him to anyone keen to tackle running - taking it seriously but not obsessively so!"

Where I Train

Your Home :Park/Outdoor :


  • TRX Suspension Straps
  • TRX RIP Trainer
  • Kettlebells 
  • Resistance Bands
  • Slam Ball
  • Battle Ropes
  • Agility Ladder
  • Sprint Parachute 
  • Skipping Rope 
  • Yoga Matt
  • Bosu Board 
  • Balance Board 
  • Mini Bands 
  • Boxing 
  • Foam Roller 



Geographical Areas Covered

  • Chelsea, London
  • Kensington, London
  • Notting Hill, London
  • Little Venice, London
  • Mayfair, London

Get in Touch


07... Reveal07814011790


Useful Information

Member Since: Mar 2015

  • Insurance: NRPT (029487)
  • First Aid:

Gender: Male
Age: 42