Time to Get Active
Whether you enjoy fitness classes or bootcamps, or want to track down a PT studio near you, our new active section will be able to help you.
At some point, personal training products and services will end up being a consideration for you. Whether you are a fitness trainer or personal trainer, or just joe public, there's are number of ways to improve your business or your workout.
From further learning, investing in your equipment and offering added value to your clients all help you to become a better trainer.
The NRPT believes that we can help you by providing you with information about key events and key products like gyms or training courses that offer these benefits and below we will pull together key services and products from leading UK fitness companies and health organisations.
For consumers, it is known that there are a million products and services you can choose from. With the help of the NRPT, you can pick from a selection of products and services to help you best with your training and fitness needs.